Calendar of Events

If you know of any events of interest please reach out to

Working Toward a World Without Food Waste

The Climate Mobilization Webinar: Working Toward a World Without Food Waste  Thursday, July 20, 7:30 - 8:30 pm Please join The Climate Mobilization on July 20 at 7:30–8:30 pm to learn what Maryland, Montgomery County, and you can do now to help reduce and recycle food waste to address climate change. This information will be useful to homeowners, […]

Latino Conservation Week: Nature Walk at Brookside Gardens – Caminata Ecológica at Brookside Gardens

Brookside Gardens 1800 Glenallan Avenue, Wheaton, MD, United States

Latino Conservation Week: Nature Walk at Brookside Gardens Friday, July 21 | 10:30 – 11:30 Brookside Gardens, 1800 Glenallan Ave., Wheaton, MD 20902 Discover the biodiversity of wild animals that live around the water ponds and stream at Brookside Gardens. Also the connection and importance of plants to animals and humans. Meet at the Visitor […]

Montgomery County Farm Tour and Harvest Sale

Montgomery County Farm Tour and Harvest Sale on Saturday-Sunday, July 22-23, Will Offer Access to Fresh Produce, Farm Animals and Craft Beverage Industry The 2023 Montgomery County Farm Tour and Harvest Sale on Saturday and Sunday, July 22-23, will be a unique opportunity for residents to explore 21 select farms in the County's Agricultural Reserve, […]

Ecofriends Dinner

Sushi Jen Next Door 8555 Fenton Street, Silver Spring, MD, United States

Ecofriends Dinner Saturday, July 22 · 5:30 - 7:30pm Sushi Jin Next Door 8555 Fenton Street Silver Spring, MD 20910 Join us for dinner at the next ecofriends dinner! At this event, everyone is invited to bring an environmental event or action that they would like to promote. Do you have a petition that needs signatures? […]

Webinar: Help a Nonprofit Go Solar!

Webinar: Help a Nonprofit Go Solar! Wednesday, Jul 26, 2023 –  8:00 PM  Nonprofit organizations do so much for our communities. They shelter abandoned animals, help our kids learn through engaging activities, and provide relief when disaster strikes. If there's a nonprofit you care about, help them go solar! You're invited to an exclusive online […]

Bethesda Green Summer Speaker Series: How Do We Achieve “Responsible” Fashion?

Bethesda Green 4825 Cordell Avenue, Suite 200, Bethesda, United States

Hosted by Bethesda Green's Innovation Lab, the 4th annual Summer Speaker Series is happening this August! Our goal in this event series is to showcase leaders who are building for-profit business models around innovative and sustainable solutions to tackle environmental and social challenges. We invite you to join us in one of our sessions tackling […]

Earth Day Live: How We Can Solve the Plastic Crisis through Cleanups

Please join us for an Earth Day Live event this Wednesday, August 16 at 12 pm EST entitled How We Can Solve the Plastic Crisis through Cleanups. This digital event will focus on getting involved for World Cleanup day and further the discussions on how to end plastic pollution.  The Great Global Cleanup is EARTHDAY‍.ORG's flagship volunteer program, […]

Bethesda Green Summer Speaker Series: The Role of Green Infrastructure in Sustainable Urbanization

Bethesda Green 4825 Cordell Avenue, Suite 200, Bethesda, United States

Hosted by Bethesda Green's Innovation Lab, the 4th annual Summer Speaker Series is happening this August! Our goal in this event series is to showcase leaders who are building for-profit business models around innovative and sustainable solutions to tackle environmental and social challenges. We invite you to join us in one of our sessions tackling […]

DC EcoWomen EcoHour with Damali Harding

Binge Bar 506 H St NE LL, Washington, DC, United States

Join DC EcoWomen for our signature EcoHour on August 16! Join DC EcoWomen and our featured guest, Damali Harding for our signature EcoHour at Binge Bar on Wednesday, August 16th at 6 pm. Ms. Harding is an expert in renewable energy and electric utilities and has provided strategic advising to Duke Energy, National Grid and other major […]

Weed Warrior Event in Malcom King Park

Malcom King Park Gaithersburg

Event - Fun in the Park Help us remove invasive plants in Malcolm King Park, and learn about the native plants that are found there. We are pulling out plants like multiflora rose and oriental bittersweet, that crowd out the beautiful native plants and the wildlife they support. Wander and enjoy the beauty of this […]