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Art and Walkability Project


Congratulations to Finalist


The mural will be on a highly visible wall at the intersection of Georgia Avenue and Price Avenue in Downtown Wheaton. It will be a beautiful new addition. It will help improve Wheaton’s walkability and draw people who will support Wheaton’s economy. The location is 11301 Georgia Avenue where Caramelo Bakery is located.

A Selection Committee reviewed designs from three semi-finalists, taking into consideration comments from the community. The Committee carefully reviewed them using a set of criteria and a scoring system and then recommended Eric B. Ricks as the finalist.  The mural will be completed by September 9, 2022, and celebrated at The Wheaton Arts Parade and Festival on Sunday, September 25, 2022.

One Montgomery Green, Inc is a proud partner of this project and serves as a fiscal sponsor. If you would like to donate to this project use this link and select The Art and Walkability project.

