Calendar of Events

If you know of any events of interest please reach out to

Earth Day Live: Environmental Literacy & Civics: Education to Change the World

The world and its people are facing full-scale climate emergencies from wildfires, hurricanes and drought to collapsing biodiversity, crop failures, mass migration and starvation. Students stand to inherit a world that is rife with uncertainty, but also full of potential to be transformed into a more just and sustainable home. In order to prepare our […]

Stop the Money Pipeline: #BuildBackFossilFree Digital Rally

Indigenous organizers and allies won a decade-long campaign against the Keystone XL Pipeline. On his first day in office, President Biden signed an executive order killing the pipeline. Now we need to take this momentum and push him to go further. Join us on Tuesday, January 26th at 8pm ET / 5pm PT for the […]

Leaders in Energy Circular Economy Working Group

Leaders in Energy Circular Economy Working Group Reconvenes on January 27th Wednesday, January 27th, from 6-8 pm  Our Circular Economy Working Group (CEWG) will reconvene on Wednesday, January 27th, from 6-8 pm. We are honored to have Stephanie Miller, founder of Zero Waste in DC, which provides consultation to individual households and corporations on reducing […]

New Composting Legislation - Join us Thursday, January 28th to to hear from Councilmember Glass and Councilmember Friedson on how farms, small businesses, and the community can benefit from Montgomery County's new Zoning Text Amendment 20-04. FOR MORE INFORMATION AND TO REGISTER

Montgomery County’s Draft Climate Action Plan (CAP) Presentation at ANS

Montgomery County's Draft Climate Action Plan (CAP) Presentation at ANS Thursday, January 28, 2021 • 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM Host Contact Info: Join us for a free virtual presentation on Montgomery County's new draft Climate Action and Resilience Plan (CARP) with Adriana Hochberg. Come and join us to learn more about Montgomery County's Draft […]

Audubon Naturalist Hour: Surprising Ways We Restore Western Maryland’s Natural Treasures

  Surprising Ways We Restore Western Maryland's Natural Treasures Thursday, January 28 at 7:00 pm Deborah Landau Conservation Ecologist, The Nature Conservancy Deborah Landau will discuss the work The Nature Conservancy does in western Maryland to ensure the health and resiliency of our natural areas. This work ranges from bringing back natural processes, like fire, […]

Audubon Naturalist Hour: Eastern Himalayas: Biodiversity Hotspot at the Crossroads of Two Worlds

  Eastern Himalayas: Biodiversity Hotspot at the Crossroads of Two Worlds Tuesday, February 2 at 7:00 pm  Steven Lonker Naturalist, former Researcher at Harvard University Join Steven Lonker, former researcher at Harvard University, Australian National University and Carnegie Institution for Science, on a virtual trip across the Eastern Himalayas of India in the footsteps of 19th […]

Audubon Naturalist Hour: Neighborhood Nature: Plants, Insects, and Fungi in our City Backyards

  Neighborhood Nature: Plants, Insects, and Fungi in our City Backyards Wednesday, February 3 at 7:00 pm  Martha Weiss  Professor, Department of Biology, Georgetown University During the pandemic, Dr. Martha Weiss, Professor of Biology at Georgetown University, has found inspiration, solace, and delight on daily walks through her urban neighborhood. Enjoy viewing, through her eyes, […]

Virtual Rally and Day of Action to Pass the Plastic Bag Reduction Act

Virtual Rally and Day of Action to Pass the Plastic Bag Reduction Act Thursday, February 4th  •  12:30 pm On February 4th at 12:30 pm, community organizers, businesses, and elected officials from across the state will host a virtual rally and day of action in support of the Plastic Bag Reduction Act. This important bill […]