Calendar of Events

If you know of any events of interest please reach out to

Smart Salt Applicator Training

Smart Salt Applicator Training Aug 22 and 30, 9am-2pm, Virtual Hosted by the Izaak Walton League of America, the City of Gaithersburg, and Bolton and Menk, Inc, this event will teach contracted road salt applicators how to save money and protect water resources by using less salt while keeping roads, parking lots, and sidewalks safe. […]

Smart Salt Applicator Training

Smart Salt Applicator Training Aug 22 and 30, 9am-2pm, Virtual Hosted by the Izaak Walton League of America, the City of Gaithersburg, and Bolton and Menk, Inc, this event will teach contracted road salt applicators how to save money and protect water resources by using less salt while keeping roads, parking lots, and sidewalks safe. […]