If you know of any events of interest please reach out to calendar@onemontgomerygreen.org
Race, History, and Rock Creek: Nature as Healing
Tuesday, February 28, 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM (VIRTUAL)
Join Rock Creek Conservancy and Rock Creek Park as we host a virtual conversation at the intersection of race, history, and Rock Creek Park.
During personal and national tragedies, social unrest, or other disruptions, many people look to nature as a place for respite, reflection, and renewal. This month’s program, a conversation with Ana Ka’ahanui of Capital Nature, Brenda Richardson of Friends of Oxon Run, and Dr. Jennifer Roberts of the University of Maryland will explore the ways in which Rock Creek can restore our mental and physical health, and how that intersects with race, given the legacy of biophobia and access issues.