If you know of any events of interest please reach out to calendar@onemontgomerygreen.org
350 MoCo Monthly Meeting
Tuesday, January 15 • 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Little Falls Library, 5501 Massachusetts Ave., Bethesda, MD
Our next meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 15th will include a presentation from Elizabeth Bunn of the Labor Network for Sustainability about the upcoming Transit Equity Day event, of which we are a cosponsor. We are excited to be building connections through this event with labor and social justice movements around the County and emphasizing the links between climate justice and transit equity. Here’s where you come in: We need several volunteers to make this event effective and powerful so please join us to learn more!
Also speaking at the meeting will be Emily Frias of CCAN on their two campaigns for this year’s MD legislative session – the No New Fossil Fuels campaign and the Clean Energy Jobs Act. The NNFF campaign seeks to establish legislation requiring public input on any new fossil fuel infrastructure plans in MD. This would stop the Hogan administration from green-lighting yet more LNG pipelines through our state!