If you know of any events of interest please reach out to calendar@onemontgomerygreen.org
Stamp Student Union, University of Maryland College Park
PRE-SYMPOSIUM 2020: On Friday, May 8th, 2020, we will host a series of workshops for participants to obtain in-depth knowledge on a variety of topics including: writing administrative complaints, making the most of a public commenting period, Photovoice, GIS mapping, community organizing, and more.
EJ INPOWERMENT HUB: A commitment to INpowering communities is a commitment to recognizing their inherent power. At the EJ INpowerment Hub, community members can seek direct consultation from tech companies, non-profit organizations, and government agencies to get resources and solutions tailored to their specific environmental justice needs. This includes low-cost monitoring solutions, coding, apps, and more.
STEM YOUTH HUB: In the face of climate and social justice crises across the world, youth are driving change. The STEM Youth Hub will showcase agencies, K-12 schools, universities, enrichment programs, and other organizations’ programs, tools, and initiatives that focus on youth and demonstrate how STEM can be used to address environmental injustice and related health disparities.
Please register today by going to https://go.umd.edu/EJsymposium6 and help spread the word by sharing the attached Save-the-Date.
Keep an eye out for more updates including sponsorship packages, session and workshop topics, and more! If you have any questions, please contact conference coordinator, Jan-Michael Archer at jarcher3@umd.edu.