If you know of any events of interest please reach out to calendar@onemontgomerygreen.org
Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay Annapolis Networking Trash Clean-up
Friday, April 5 • 10 am
Meet up at 501 6th Street parking lot, Annapolis, MD
The Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay’s Annapolis Office is excited to kick-off the 2019 Project Clean Stream season with our annual Annapolis Networking Trash Clean-up!
Meet Alliance employees and network with local businesses and other community members. We’ll have snacks, gloves, and trash bags!
We’re planning to meet in our 501 6th Street parking lot at 10am on Friday, April 5th!
Please register to volunteer for this event here: https://pg-cloud.com/ACB/?openform=volunteer&values=site_location,2526
I hope you’ll join us for this fun and engaging community event. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Corinne Stephens, Business Partnerships Manager
“Together, we will get the job done!”
501 Sixth Street | Annapolis, Maryland 21403
Office: (443) 949-0575 | Direct: (908) 777-0B4B(0242)
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