If you know of any events of interest please reach out to calendar@onemontgomerygreen.org
ANS’s Rachel Carson Birthday Celebration
May 27, 2020 • 12:00 PM
Join us for an Audubon Naturalist Society celebration of the life and of ANS Champion, former board member and board president, Rachel Carson!
Executive Director Lisa Alexander will host and this very special party will include special guest speakers from around the region – all women in science or public affairs!
The celebration we’re planning is just one of many ways we seek to pay homage to Rachel Carson and bring attention to women in this region and across the country who are persevering in her footsteps and forging new paths on their own. Events will kick off Memorial Day weekend with social media posts, a map of places in our region that honor Rachel, ways that children and families can participate, and ideas for observing species that Rachel Carson helped protect.
This Zoom Party on May 27 at 12 noon will be our highlight, but we hope you’ll keep the celebration going by learning more about this remarkable woman who gave so much to our world.