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Perceptions of Sharks:
Is the “Man-Eating” Fear Justified?
Tuesday, August 18 • 7:00 pm
Symone Johnson Barkley
National Aquarium
Sharks have long been portrayed in media as “man-eating machines” but are they worthy of that bad reputation? Sharks actually need more protection from humans than we need from them. Learn about the many shapes and sizes of sharks, threats they face, their importance in the ocean, and what you can do to protect them. Register Online.
*Symone Johnson Barkley graduated with her B.S. in Marine and Environmental Science from Hampton University. While there, she completed two internships at NOAA facilities. The last internship sparked Symone’s interest in sharks, so she attended Delaware State University for graduate school studying Sand Tiger sharks in Delaware Bay. Currently, Symone manages the education programs at National Aquarium.