If you know of any events of interest please reach out to calendar@onemontgomerygreen.org
Audubon Naturalist Society Community Science Summit
Hear ye, hear ye! Calling all ANS Community (Citizen) Scientists! Are you a Water Quality Monitor? Master Naturalist? Meadow Surveyor? Creek Critters enthusiast? Frog Watcher? Butterfly Tracker? Nest box monitor? Well then you are WELCOME at ANS’s second Community Science Summit!
Please join us to share your projects and learn about others’. There will be presentations, volunteer opportunities, volunteer appreciation, and opportunities to chat and network. You’ll find out about the programs above, plus cool community science apps like iNaturalist and Water Reporter.
Our Keynote Speaker will be ANS’ own Senior Naturalist, Stephanie Mason, speaking on “Monitoring Rocky Mountain Butterflies: The Challenges and the Thrills”.
Contact Gregg.Trilling@anshome.org with presentation ideas you’d like to share. You’re $10 registration covers refreshments and snacks.
Register Online
$10 per ticket ($1 for students)