The Climate Mobilization Moco
Monthly meeting
Thursday, January 27 • 7:30 to 9:00 PM
Can Ithaca be a model to rapidly decarbonize Montgomery County buildings?
Please join The Climate Mobilization Moco for an exciting discussion on how Ithaca, NY plans to decarbonize and electrify all its buildings by 2030.
This effort, financed via private equity, has as its first phase the electrification of 1600 buildings within 3 years. Our goal is to understand how Ithaca is managing this aggressive timeline, what lessons can be applied to Montgomery County, and how our county’s experience can inform Ithaca’s efforts.
Joining us will be:
Luis Aguirre-Torres, Director of Sustainability for the City of Ithaca, NY; here
Tom Deyo, Chief Executive Officer of the Montgomery County Green Bank; here
Climate Action Leads from Montgomery County and the City of Takoma Park have been invited to join the panel.
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