If you know of any events of interest please reach out to calendar@onemontgomerygreen.org
Rally at MCPS Headquarters on April 1 (because climate change is no joke)
Come support our students next Friday, April 1 at 1:30 PM (early release day for students) at the headquarters of MCPS in Rockville. The BIPOC Green New Deal Interns have organized a rally calling for decisive action from MCPS on climate!
We will gather in the parking lot and listen to speakers and conclude with a march down Mannakee to Hungerford Drive/Route 355. Some of our supporters may risk arrest as we block that busy street. Your active support sends a strong message to both the youth organizers and MCPS.
WHY: MCPS lags behind even the less than adequate performance of the rest of the County in this climate emergency. MCPS only purchases 38% renewable energy vs 100% for other County buildings. Almost all MCPS schools are gas-heated. MCPS continues to build new schools with methane furnaces.
HOW YOU CAN HELP: Please sign up and show up to stand and support MoCo youth in demanding MCPS get serious about climate change: http://bit.ly/4122DemoSignUp
With your help, the Interns will now shine a bright light on the forgotten half of County operations — the schools!
Questions? Contact Jim at jimwdriscoll@gmail.com. Thank you for caring!
PS) The Interns’ efforts and pleas have made the news! NPR environmental reporter Jacob Fenston covered the interns’ story and then subsequently published this article on March 9: https://bit.ly/GNDprotests.