If you know of any events of interest please reach out to calendar@onemontgomerygreen.org
Saturday, September 30 • 10 am – 1 pm
at Silver Spring United Methodist Church
8900 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20910
■ men’s and women’s professional clothing for A WIDER CIRCLE
■ nonperishable food for SHEPHERD’S TABLE
■ laptops, tablets and cell phones (be sure to disassociate from your iCloud account, if applicable) for MAC RECYCLE CLINIC to donate to women’s shelter
■ graduation caps and gowns—all sizes and colors from all high schools and Montgomery College—for SAPPlings (Student Advocates Protecting the Planet) for reuse by future graduates.*
Questions? info@onemontgomerygreen.org
*Graduation Cap and Gown Recycling
Do you have an old graduation cap or gown gathering dust in your closet?
Donate them to One Montgomery Green and SAPPlings (Student Advocates Protecting the Planet) to help reduce textile and plastic waste AND decrease graduation costs by making gently used and cleaned caps and gowns available to future graduates. All sizes and colors from all high schools and from Montgomery College graduation ceremonies are welcome.
Factoid: More than 5 million graduation gowns end up in landfills each year, according to Earth911. Most gowns are made of polyester, a petroleum-based fabric that does not biodegrade.