If you know of any events of interest please reach out to calendar@onemontgomerygreen.org
Conservation Montgomery Tree Care 101 for Spanish-Speaking Communities
Join members of the Latino community to learn about tree care on November 18th.
Únase a los miembros de la comunidad latina para aprender sobre el cuidado de los árboles el 18 de noviembre.
When: November 18 from 10 am to noon.
Where: East Silver Spring Elementary School, 631 Silver Spring Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20910.
Cuándo: 18 de noviembre de 10 a 12 pm.
Dónde: Escuela Primaria East Silver Spring, 631 Silver Spring Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20910.
Join us or pass this invitation along to friends. We will hold an all-Spanish Home Tree Care 101 class, partnering with the nonprofit Defensores de la Cuenca and their Tree Ambassadors.
Embajadores de los Árboles (tree ambassadors) is a Spanish-language workforce training program that pays participants to learn about trees, help find hosts/locations for trees in urban settings and shepherd the success of the trees over three growing seasons. Find out more about the Tree Ambassadors at this link.
If you would like to attend on Nov. 18 or have questions, please email us at info@conservationmontgomery.org
The class is free and open to all who can attend.
Home Tree Care 101 classes, organized by Conservation Montgomery, are supported by a community grant from the Montgomery County Government.
We are proud to partner over the coming year with Defensores de la Cuenca.
Defensores de la Cuenca (Watershed Defenders) is a Latino-led 501(c)(3) nonprofit that connects members of the Latin American community and Spanish speakers to nature through shared experiences and opportunities to preserve and defend the Chesapeake Bay watershed for a healthier mind, body, and soul.