Conservation Montgomery’s 6th Annual Big Tree Tour
Saturday, Oct. 5 from 9 am
Join us for the 6th Annual Big Tree tour with the indomitable Joe Howard, founder of the Montgomery County Registry of Champion Trees. This year we are returning to the upper Eastern part of Montgomery County to visit outstanding trees such as the State Champion Red Maple, a Long leaf pine with needles over a foot long, a European Linden with a trunk over 20 feet in circumference and the National Champion Kentucky coffee tree.
We’ll meet at the White Oak library. Plan to arrive early as the bus will be leaving at 9 AM. This tour is a full 3+ hours with a delightful surprise at the end. Bring cameras and binoculars.
We’ll meet at:
White Oak Library
11701 New Hampshire Avenue
Silver Spring, MD
Cost $25 per person, payable to Conservation Montgomery. To reserve a seat on the bus, you MUST RSVP.