If you know of any events of interest please reach out to calendar@onemontgomerygreen.org
Join us for a Day at the Anacostia Community Museum:
Food for the People Exhibition on Nov. 13!
Do you know where your food comes from? Why is fresh food available in some communities and not others? Join DC EcoWomen on Saturday, November 13th at 12 PM for a day at the Anacostia Community Museum to view the “Food for the People: Eating and Activism in Greater Washington exhibition”. Take a deep dive into the food issues of the nation’s capital—past and present—with this outdoor and indoor exhibition featuring artifacts, art installations, videos, and hands-on interactives.
This event is open to all people who identify as women, and spouses and families are welcome to attend as well. After viewing the exhibition, we welcome everyone to join us at Busboys and Poets. We will meet for an informal discussion about the exhibit and discuss some of our own experiences with food apartheid and or food privileges.