If you know of any events of interest please reach out to calendar@onemontgomerygreen.org
The world and its people are facing full-scale climate emergencies from wildfires, hurricanes and drought to collapsing biodiversity, crop failures, mass migration and starvation. Students stand to inherit a world that is rife with uncertainty, but also full of potential to be transformed into a more just and sustainable home.
In order to prepare our children for this rapidly changing world and for the jobs of the future, youth everywhere need to be educated about the complex and interdependent issues of climate and environmental science and build the civic skills to make lasting changes in their communities and globally: this education starts in schools.
EARTHDAY.ORG invites you to join another installment of our Earth Day Live series:
Environmental Literacy and Civics: Education to Change the World on Tuesday, January 26th at noon EST.
Join us for the live event.
The panel will be 60 minutes and hosted over Zoom. By registering and joining the webinar, you’ll be able to ask questions during the Q&A. If you can’t connect over Zoom, we’ll also be streaming the event over Facebook.
Our panelists include:
Next week, we examine the interdisciplinary nature of environmental and climate change education and how we use civic education to inspire hope and action for students across the world.