If you know of any events of interest please reach out to calendar@onemontgomerygreen.org
Although microscopic as their name suggests, the shedding of tiny microfibers from our clothing is the most insidious way the fashion industry harms our world.
Invisible microfibers fill our oceans, our air, and our soil. They are ubiquitous – found in aquatic life at the bottom of the Marianna Trench, and in the snow on top of Mt. Everest. They are also in our bodies, our hearts, our intestines, our lungs, and the plastic that makes polyester has been found in human bloodstreams. In the oceans, 35% of all microplastics are from our clothes.1 How did they get there, what does the government know about the problem, and how do we tackle it?
On Wednesday, February 28th at 12:00pm Eastern, EARTHDAY.ORG will collaborate with the United Nations Fashion and Lifestyle Network and the Fashion Impact Fund for Planet vs. Microfibers: Fashion’s Gigantic Little Problem.
Join us as we look at the remarkable work of scientists who have traced the pervasiveness of microfibers to the farthest edges of the globe, who are guiding governments in confronting this environmental crisis and who, through invention, are designing a new path for the sake of the planet.