If you know of any events of interest please reach out to calendar@onemontgomerygreen.org
Tuesday, February 15, 2022 from 5:00 – 7:00 pm
Saints Row Brewing, 1211-1213 Taft St, Rockville, 20850
For the last few years, we have been visiting local breweries around the County to make sure that residents have the most energy efficient lightbulbs on the market. And this year, we are taking it even further – encouraging residents to KICK GAS!
Since 2015, February has been proclaimed as “Maryland Craft Beer Lovers Month” by Gov. Larry Hogan. “FeBREWary.”is the official month-long celebration of Maryland craft beer. Maryland is a bubbling craft beer destination in the Mid-Atlantic. Whether you are a Maryland resident or a tourist planning a craft beer getaway, FeBREWary is the perfect time to visit and explore Maryland’s breweries.
In Montgomery County, we have been celebrating the many small and independent brewers along the Tastemakers Trail since 2019, when we created the Brews and Bulbs initiative that allows residents to swap out their inefficient light bulbs for LEDs while drinking delicious locally brewed beer, and supporting local business owners.
This year, the participating breweries will not only be hosting a light bulb exchange but members of the Electric Vehicle Association of Greater Washington, DC. will be present to talk about EV ownership and we will be promoting the new EV Purchasing Cooperative. You can also learn about going solar with PV panels or community solar subscriptions.
For more information and ways to Kick Gas, visit https://mygreenmontgomery.org/2022/febrewary-2022-time-to-kick-gas/