If you know of any events of interest please reach out to calendar@onemontgomerygreen.org
“The American Eel: From the Atlantic Ocean to Sligo Creek”
Come explore the natural world around us. The Friends of Sligo Creek (FOSC) are sponsoring an evening event on November 14:
“The American Eel: From the Atlantic Ocean to Sligo Creek”
Even if you’re not a big eel fan, maybe you’ll be fascinated (like I was) to learn that they journey from the Atlantic Ocean to our Creek.
We have a fair number in our Creek but they mostly come out at night. Come and learn more !
Did you know there are eels in Sligo Creek ? Amazingly, they make their way from the Sargasso Sea in the Atlantic, and across the Chesapeake Bay to our (and other) rivers and creeks. Come hear American eel expert Matt Rinehimer from the State of Maryland’s Department of Natural Resources (DNR).
Speaker: Matt Rinehimer, aquatic biologist from the State of Maryland’s Department of Natural Resources (DNR)
Location: Sligo-Dennis Avenue Local Park building (off Sligo Creek Parkway, upstream from Dennis Avenue)
Date and Time : Wednesday, November 14, 7 – 9 (social time 7.15; speaker starts at 7.30)
Contact: Anne Vorce avorce@aol.com