If you know of any events of interest please reach out to calendar@onemontgomerygreen.org
Friends of Sligo Creek host panel on “Sligo Creek’s Water: Cause for Concern, Reason to Hope”
Tuesday, October 15, 7:30 pm • Silver Spring Civic Center
The program will provide a general overview of water quality in Sligo from currently available chemistry data collected by FOSC, bacteria data collected by WSSC, and biological data collected by FOSC, DNR, and MoCo DEP. Digging deeper, the program will translate what this data means in terms of safety and health. Finally, we’ll discuss what can be done to improve water quality and what neighbors and individuals can do to advocate and to help in this regard. The panel will consist of:
Location: Silver Spring Civic Center
Contact: Dee Clarkin (clarkin.dee@gmail.com).