If you know of any events of interest please reach out to calendar@onemontgomerygreen.org
Have you spent time enjoying Sligo Creek (other than driving along Sligo Creek Parkway)? Are you interested in bats? Come learn more about both at the annual Friends of Sligo Creek Inspiration Works meeting in the Silver Spring Civic Building, 1 Veterans Place, Silver Spring, MD 20910, on Tuesday, April 10 from 7-9pm! Nina Fascione, former director of Bat Conservation International, is speaking at the meeting at 7:30.
Bats nationally are disappearing from our natural world because of human encroachment, loss of habitat and disease. A leader in wildlife conservation efforts, Nina will speak about the plight of bats, their value in our environment, and what we might be able to do to help bats recover.
Before and after Nina’s talk, enjoy some free pizza and learn more about the activities going on to preserve the natural beauty of Sligo Creek. There are many ways to get involved, such as posting sightings of wildlife on the Natural History webpage, removing trash, testing and recording water quality at monitoring sites along the creek, or encouraging the use of rainbarrels and native plants on homeowner’s properties to slow down stormwater from scouring away the streambanks. Visit the Friends of Sligo Creek website at fosc.org to learn more.
Friends of Sligo Creek is a nonprofit community organization dedicated to protecting, improving, and appreciating the ecological health of Sligo Creek Park and its surrounding watershed.