If you know of any events of interest please reach out to calendar@onemontgomerygreen.org
InterAct Story Theatre’s Wheaton Family Theatre Series
InterAct Story Theatre is proud to announce that we have been awarded a third Wheaton Cultural Project Grant from the Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County’s (AHCMC), as well as grant funding from the Maryland State Arts Council, to bring the InterAct Story Theatre Wheaton Family Theatre Series back to town for SEASON 3!
Season Three kicked off on October 21, 2017 with the premiere of a brand new play by InterAct Story Theatre, and will include a variety of performances and family literacy events throughout the year, including theatre, music, dance, opera and story theatre. The season will culminate in May 2018 with InterAct’s Second KidStory Theatre Festival, a celebration writing by kids for kids.
Skher Brown and the Dancing Warriors Ensemble
Saturday, April 14, 2018 at Glenallan Elementary School
Capoeira Angola is a unique Afro-Brasilian art form that draws from dance, martial arts, music, and stories of distant lands. But it’s more than that–it’s a cultural doorway into the world of others both like us and different from us! Shker Brown and the Dancing Warriors mesmerize audiences with Capoeira Angola’s acrobatic choreography and transport students across the Atlantic Ocean to learn about this unique culture. All ages.
Interactive family performances in theatre, dance, story theatre and world music completely FREE to the public October 2017 through May 2018 in Wheaton! All programs begin at 11 a.m. For more information visit www.interactstory.com/wheaton