If you know of any events of interest please reach out to calendar@onemontgomerygreen.org
Gadgets, games, robots, and so much to do and see –Montgomery County is hosting KIDfest on Sunday, September 23rd at Veteran’s Plaza and the Silver Spring Civic Building in Silver Spring, from 12:00-5:00p.m. The festival features free family activities and innovative projects.
Hands-on activities like driving robots through mazes, 3D printing, wind chime making, and so much more! Festival attendees can meet an advanced robotic seal that responds to voice and touch, use wildflowers to create paints, explore an on-site inflatable planetarium, build electronic circuits, modify codes, and play handcrafted musical instruments.
At the KID Museum area, visitors are invited to interact with a giant automaton, try out kid-created pinball, take part in a community loom, connect pipes for a super-sized ball run, and play with a robotic balloon pop (aka “bot pop”). KID Museum educators and KID’s high school Coding Corps members will provide free coding jams at the event, as well as other coding and robotics opportunities. In addition, visitors can try their hand at projects from KID Museum’s woodworking, textiles, and electronics studios.
The event is free and open to all. The Faire will feature two performance stages as well as interactive activities for children and adults of all ages. For more information visit kidfest.org.