If you know of any events of interest please reach out to calendar@onemontgomerygreen.org
Montgomery County Climate Stories Ambassadors are community leaders encouraging their fellow residents to contribute their “grain of sand,” forging the collective impact necessary to address the climate crisis. This event begins indoors where we will screen Climate Stories created by Latinos from Montgomery County. Afterwards, we will get outdoors to clean up the park and neighborhood around Glenmont Local Park. Come get inspired and be a part of this community effort!
Hosted by: Montgomery Parks, Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection, and Latino Health Initiative
Time and Date: 7/15 at 10am-12pm (rain date:7/22)
Location: Glenmont Local Park, 3201 Randolph Road, Wheaton, MD 20902
Student Service Learning (SSL) hours for students available!
Los Embajadores de Historias Climáticas son líderes comunitarios que alientan a sus compañeros residentes a contribuir con su “grano de arena”, forjando el impacto colectivo necesario para abordar la crisis climática. Este evento empieza adentro donde mostraremos las historias climáticas creadas por Latinos del Condado de Montgomery. Despues, saldremos afuera para limpiar el parque y vecindario alrededor de Glenmont Local Park. Ven a inspirarte y a ser parte de este esfuerzo comunitario!
Organizado por: Montgomery Parks, El Departamento de Protección Ambiental del Condado de Montgomery, y La Iniciativa Latina de Salud
Horario: Sabado 7/15 de 10am-12pm (fecha de lluvia: 7/22)
Locaccion: Glenmont Local Park, 3201 Randolph Road, Wheaton, MD 20902
¡Ofrecemos horas de Aprendizaje de Servicio Estudiantil (SSL) para estudiantes!
FOR MORE INFORMATION: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/latino-conservation-week-climate-stories-screening-cleanup-tickets-647140764447