If you know of any events of interest please reach out to calendar@onemontgomerygreen.org
Sat, May 18, 2019 • 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Mid-County Regional Services Center (Temporary Location)
Grandview and Blueridge Ave, Wheaton, MD, 20902
The “Make Wheaton Walkable! Safety Walk” will highlight opportunities for pedestrian and traffic improvements on the State highways and County roadways in and around the Wheaton Central Business District, including the need for basic safety and ADA compliance.
Community members will walk/roll/stroll alongside of State, County, and elected officials in hands-on, small-group “walk audits,” allowing for direct community engagement and feedback for consideration. These groups will also provide an opportunity for State and County staff to discuss recent improvements made in the Wheaton CBD as part of the SHA’s new Urban-Mobility Program.
We will meet at the Clairmont Townhomes park on the northwest corner of Grandview and Blueridge, near the temporary Mid-County Regional Services Center. For those who may be driving, plentiful parking can be found two blocks east of the location in Lot 14 (Montgomery County Blueridge-Hickerson Lot).
Families, friends, and neighbors are all encouraged to attend. With more participation, we will have a stronger voice for making Wheaton walkable! Water and light refreshments will be provided – but please RSVP via this EventBrite so we can have accurate planning information.
Featured Guests Include:
Kristy Daphnis (kristy.daphnis@gmail.com), PBTSAC Chair and Wheaton Hills Civic Association Executive Committee Member
Bill Jelen, WUDAC Chair
Mariela Garcia-Colberg, WUDAC Member
To Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/make-wheaton-walkable-saturday-safety-walk-tickets-59681470886
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/2244835405754662/