If you know of any events of interest please reach out to calendar@onemontgomerygreen.org
As we all know after the hottest summer in recorded history, this year’s first post-pandemic march comes at an absolutely critical time. On September 20th in New York, the UN Climate Ambition Summit will gather world leaders to commit to phasing out fossil fuels, to protect people and the planet.
Thousands of us from across the U.S. will take to the streets before the summit to demand President Biden take bold action to end fossil fuels. Despite the Build Back Better and Inflation Reduction Acts, the Biden Administration continues to green light fossil fuel projects. Both science and moral judgement argue forcefully against that. We need to stop fossil fuel build out NOW.
Join us in NYC on September 17 to get this message across loud and clear. Go here to read more about planning for the March. Sign up here for a seat on the bus going from Washington. Please list 350MoCo as the organization with which you’re affiliated; that will help us keep track of and support anyone from this list that’s going. It also will help us know if we need to line up another bus. We hope we do need to!