If you know of any events of interest please reach out to calendar@onemontgomerygreen.org
Thursday, October 17 · 4 – 6pm EDT
Capital Bank Home Loans, 2275 Research Boulevard, #110 First floor, Rockville, MD 20850
Building capacity and unlocking the path to a more efficient, greener, and climate resilient small business industry in Montgomery County.
Climate change pose significant challenges to all industries and small businesses will not be the exception to this. The cost-benefit of a proactive approach is evident and tangible, however, it is difficult for a small business to know where to begin and even land concepts such as “greener”, “more efficient”, “adapting” or “become more climate resilient” into their business structure.
MCGB has partnered with Capital Bank, PEPCO, Latino Economic Development Center, Bethesda Green and One Montgomery Green, for this market series event with the vision of supporting small businesses in this journey by bringing valuable information on:
Moderator: Stephen Morel, CEO at Montgomery County Green Bank