If you know of any events of interest please reach out to calendar@onemontgomerygreen.org
Mon, Feb 24, 2020 • 4:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Organized By: Maryland Chapter
Location: Miller Senate Office Building, East Room — 11 Bladen St, Annapolis, MD 21411, USA
Map | Directions
Event Organizers:
Mark Posner
Join with hundreds of other Maryland Sierra Club volunteers Monday, February 24, 2020 to lobby our Delegates and Senator in Annapolis to pass our Sierra Club priority bills. Our legislative agenda this year aims for concrete, significant actions to mitigate the climate crisis and reduce plastic pollution. Personally lobbying your elected officials is one of the most powerful actions you can take to make positive changes for our environment!
Join us for a webinar on Thursday, January 30th to learn more about our campaign.
Register to attend the Sierra Club’s annual Lobby Night in Annapolis, on Monday, February 24th, to speak directly to your legislators about passing our priority bills, including the Plastic and Packaging Reduction Act.