If you know of any events of interest please reach out to calendar@onemontgomerygreen.org
Maryland Solar Action Team Meeting
Thursday, February 4th at 6 pm ET
Now’s your chance to connect with fellow solar supporters from around the state. You will learn about what you can expect coming up for solar policy, upcoming solar co-ops in Maryland, and what you can do to help keep solar moving forward!
Join us on Thursday, February 4th at 6 pm ET for a SUN member meeting. We will be looking ahead to the opportunities and threats on the horizon for solar in Maryland. We need your help to continue to build the solar movement!
No previous experience is necessary! If you are passionate about the future of solar energy in Maryland, want an opportunity to connect with other like-minded solar supporters, and are looking to learn about ways to get involved, this is a meeting you won’t want to miss.