If you know of any events of interest please reach out to calendar@onemontgomerygreen.org
MLK Day of Service – White Oak Park & Stream Cleanup 2018
Monday, January 15, 2018 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
parking lot of White Oak Community Recreation Center
1700 April Lane, Silver Spring, MD 20904
Join us for One Montgomery Green’s annual MLK Day of service. This year willl be at the White Oak Paint Branch Stream Valley Park near the White Oak Community Center.
Come on out for some fun and fresh air, meet your neighbors and take active ownership in your local park! Volunteers of all ages welcome; those under 14 must be accompanied by an adult. SSL hours provided. Students please bring your forms!
THANK YOU! for volunteering for the annual MLK Day of Service! One Montgomery Green (OMG) Inc will have a registration table in the parking lot of the White Oak Community Recreation Center, 1700 April Lane, Silver Spring, MD 20904. Please sign-in and pick up your gloves and trash bag. Wear warm clothing (it might get chilly) and comfortable shoes (that could get dirty). We will be cleaning along the main stem of the Paint Branch Trail heading to the creek.