If you know of any events of interest please reach out to calendar@onemontgomerygreen.org
Sustainable Maryland, an initiative of the Environmental Finance Center at the University of Maryland, is pleased to invite residents of Montgomery County homeowners associations, civic associations, neighborhood groups, congregations, businesses and engaged residents to attend the second
Montgomery County
Silver Spring Civic Building, 1 Veterans Place, Silver Spring
Stop by OMG table! Love to see you!
Learn more about how Montgomery County residents can play a vital role in improving water quality in local streams and rivers, and also help beautify their properties while saving money! Attendees will hear about the County’s RainScapes stormwater management incentive program, where homeowners can receive rebates for rain barrels, pervious pavement, rain gardens, and other conservation landscaping measures. Also, learn more about how to receive credits of up to 80% off your Water Quality Protection Charge (WQPC) by employing specific stormwater management techniques.
Homeowners associations can also receive assistance with pet waste management and litter reduction, as well as financial incentives for stormwater management measures on community properties. And all community organizations can learn how they can benefit from creating a Stormwater Action Plan to address a variety of issues in their neighborhoods.
Light refreshments will be served.
Space is limited; registration required.
Please share this invitation with your fellow association residents who might be interested!
REGISTER ONLINE : https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07eg8ymu6p4bc023c7&oseq=&c=&ch=
Cost: FREE
Questions? Contact Mike Hunninghake at mikeh75@umd.edu or 301-405-7956.
Grant funding for this initiative is provided through the Montgomery County Water Quality Protection Fund.
Sponsored by Sustainable Maryland
Co-Sponsored by the Chesapeake Bay Trust and the Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection
Sustainable Maryland is an initiative of the Environmental Finance Center at the University of Maryland. It is a free and voluntary program designed to help Maryland communities choose a direction for their sustainability efforts, improve access to resources needed to implement action, and recognize their accomplishments. Our sponsors include the US Environmental Protection Agency and the Maryland Municipal League. For more information about how your municipality can register in the Sustainable Maryland program, plus customized Green Team training and access to student resources that are available to provide consultancy services for municipal planning, please contact 301 405-7956 or mikeh75@umd.edu