If you know of any events of interest please reach out to calendar@onemontgomerygreen.org
Honor the life and teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by serving our community on MLK Day—and throughout the week surrounding the holiday. The Volunteer Center’s annual MLK Day of Service event has gone virtual and expanded to a week this year, with a variety of home-based and safely distanced service opportunities available right on this page, January 16-24, 2021. Projects range from activities like writing letters to isolated seniors to creating toys for service dogs. Choose to participate in one or many! They all help others in our community. (MCPS students can earn SSL hours for most service projects except donations. Details outlined within each opportunity.)
Click on the projects below that interest you to view more details and sign up. Note that some projects are expected to fill up quickly and require pre-registration (as indicated). Projects on this page that don’t yet link to an opportunity signup page are coming soon!
View all opportunities available for MLK Week of Service.
This link includes the activities below as well as service projects organized by the Volunteer Center’s partner sites and other local agencies.