If you know of any events of interest please reach out to calendar@onemontgomerygreen.org
Montgomery County GreenFest
We’re pleased to announce that the Montgomery County GreenFest has merged with the Brookside Gardens Earth Day Festival for 2019! The two events combined together promises to make GreenFest one of the largest environmental festivals in the region with thousands of attendees and activities for all ages.
Sunday, April 28 from 11am – 4pm
Brookside Gardens at 1800 Glenallan Ave, Wheaton, MD 20902
Want to exhibit at GreenFest?
Cost to exhibit at GreenFest:
Each exhibitor receives a table and two chairs with their registration fees. It is the exhibitors responsibility to bring a tent that no bigger than 10’x10′. During payment, the exhibitor can reserve additional tables at $10 per table.
If you are a food truck operator, entertainer, or plant vendor, contact Jason Gedeik with Brookside Gardens at Jason.Gedeik@montgomeryparks.org for exhibitor opportunities at GreenFest.