If you know of any events of interest please reach out to calendar@onemontgomerygreen.org
In this webinar, you will hear from speakers in various green jobs about their career journey. Speakers will talk about their current roles and how they entered the field. The session is geared towards high school students to learn from experts in the field.
There is an opportunity to achieve three of the vision statements in making Montgomery County more equitable and inclusive – a thriving county for youth and families, a growing economy, and greener county, by implementing a green career pathways event. In order to meet the challenges posed by climate change, we will need a trained workforce to work in the emerging industries that address the challenges and provide innovative new solutions.
Developed by Evolve Green and Mansa Colabs, MoCo Green Futures is a green jobs awareness fair that provides youth and adults an immersive experience into the opportunities that are ahead in this burgeoning sector. By bringing the jobs, skills and practitioners under one roof in Montgomery County, we will inspire and connect a diverse set of young people to the jobs of the present and support the infrastructure of the future.
MoCo Green Futures partners include Leaders In Energy, Waterford Inc., and Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection.