If you know of any events of interest please reach out to calendar@onemontgomerygreen.org
Calling all land care professionals and all those interested in learning how to care for properties without toxic materials!
This 30-hour, 4-day course offers a well-rounded curriculum that covers organic land care practices, principles, design, and maintenance. Attendees who pass the NOFA Accreditation exam will earn the trusted credential of being a NOFA Accredited Organic Land Care Professional.
Venue: Jan 28, 29, 30 at the National Wildlife Visitor Center (NWVC), Laurel, MD; January 31 at the Greenbelt Youth Center, Greenbelt, MD 20770
Cost: $650 per person. Group discounts and referral discounts available.
Registration: visit http://organiclandcare.net/ or email Jeremy@ctnofa.org
Questions? Contact Jeremy Pelletier at Jeremy@ctnofa.org or call the NOFA office: (203) 308-2584.
Local host co-sponsors include: Chesapeake Education, Arts, and Research Society (CHEARS); the City of Takoma Park; Department of Environmental Protection Montgomery County MD; Sustainable Maryland Certified –Environmental Finance Center at the University of Maryland, and the Department of Public Works and the Advisory Committee on Environmental Sustainability (Green Aces) of the City of Greenbelt