If you know of any events of interest please reach out to calendar@onemontgomerygreen.org
Join other members of the community who want to thrive in environmentally sustainable communities.
Guest Speaker: Kit Gage “Backyard Water Conservation”
Past president, Friends of Sligo Creek, and current advocacy director and board member. Master Watershed Steward, founder of the National Capital Region Watershed Stewards Academy, and first co-director. Horticulture certificate, Graduate School USA. Active in Stormwater Partners and Takoma Horticultural Club. Formerly long time director of Defending Dissent Foundation will be on hand to talk about the Friends of Sligo Creek Stormwater Committee’s work in neighborhoods and with MoCo DEP on their Green Streets and RainScapes programs–as well backyard tips for water conservation and watershed health. Garden adviser: www.kitgage.com
RSVP to let us know you are coming! See you there!