If you know of any events of interest please reach out to calendar@onemontgomerygreen.org
Our World Is On Fire
Friday, September 13th • 7 – 9 pm
River Road Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Fireside Room, 6301 River Road, Bethesda, MD 20817
Russell Gray, national coordinator for Extinction Rebellion U.S. will speak on the rising power of our youth in humanity’s greatest existential crisis: climate change.
Our world is on fire but no one is taking the extreme action needed to put the fire out. However, our youth are rising up and demanding action.
Russell Gray, graduate of Cornell with a degree in economics, left a position as an economist with the federal government to found and lead the DC chapter of Extinction Rebellion.
He will tell us why radical action is our only hope in the face of climate catastrophe confirmed by peer reviewed science. He will explain why a global climate strike is necessary and how we can take effective action to address the climate emergency during the upcoming Climate Strike and Week of Global Action, September 20 – 27.
Snacks, drinks will be provided.
Sponsored by Cedar Lane UU Environmental Justice Ministry, MoCo chapter of The Climate Emergency, and River Road UU Congregation.