If you know of any events of interest please reach out to calendar@onemontgomerygreen.org
Monday, June 21st at noon
Since the fall day twelve years ago when a young priest climbed up to the roof of St. Alban’s Episcopal Church to bless their solar panels, “our newest stained-glass windows,” while the choir sang from the parking lot below, over a hundred faith communities in our region have taken climate action by shifting their sanctuaries to solar power. Now, Montgomery County Green Bank is offering a new solar financing product that makes it easier for solar developers to arrange no-money-down solar projects for Montgomery County congregations and organizations. Since the program’s launch in February, the Green Bank has been working with a half dozen faith-based institutions to explore financing solar projects with no out-of-pocket cost to them.
At noon on the longest day of the year, join Interfaith Power & Light and the Montgomery County Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions (MCFACS) to explore what the power of sunlight could do for your community: we’ll learn about solar financing for non-profits, hear testimonials from congregations that are powering their buildings with energy “from above,” and receive an invitation from the Montgomery County Green Bank to explore or re-explore a fully financed solar project for our own buildings. Please invite the financial and operations decision-makers from your congregations to join us, too!
Register at the link below: