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Rachel Carson Historic Site Tour and Nature Walk

April 27, 2019 @ 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Rachel Carson Historic Site Tour and Nature Walk

Sat, April 27, 2019  •  1:00 PM – 3:00 PM EDT

Rachel Carson House, 11701 Berwick Road, Silver Spring, Maryland 20904

Come see where Rachel Carson wrote Silent Spring, the monumental 1962 expose documenting the environmental dangers of the indiscriminate use of pesticides then being used, such as the now-banned DDT. Her Silver Spring home has been maintained by the Rachel Carson Landmark Alliance as it was when she lived there while working as an editor for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Learn about the personal challenges she faced while she wrote and defended the book, including her fight against cancer which claimed her life just two years later. Following the tour, we’ll take an easy walk along the nearby Rachel Carson Greenway Trail and reflect on her contributions to our environment today.

Sponsored by Montgomery History.  Register at


Montgomery History
(301) 340-2825
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Rachel Carson House
11701 Berwick Road
Silver Spring, MD 20904 United States
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