If you know of any events of interest please reach out to calendar@onemontgomerygreen.org
This training will take place over the course of two mornings—Monday, Sept 13 and Wednesday, Sept 15. While participants are welcome to only attend one of the days, it is encouraged to attend both days if possible. We also will record both days for those with schedule conflicts.
DAY ONE: Monday, Sept 13
• Project A: Virginia—Joe Rieger of the Elizabeth River Project (ERP) will share on the restoration of a brownfield site in 2009 and how that served as a catalyst for ERP’s push towards climate resilience projects.
• Project B: Maryland—Holly Gallagher and Natalie Cohen of the National Wildlife Federation will share on their schoolyard habitats program in Baltimore, which reduces urban polluted runoff while also creating native wildlife habitat and fostering outdoor learning experiences.
• Preview of communications training on day two: Sarah Bucci, Water Hub at Climate Nexus
DAY TWO: Wednesday, Sept 15
• Project C: Pennsylvania—Jeff Swinehart and Jeb Musser of Lancaster Farmland Trust will share on their work engaging Plain Sect community leaders in efforts to increase adoption of farm conservation practices.
• Communications training—Sarah Bucci of Water Hub at Climate Nexus will share findings on water/climate polling, water/climate messages that resonate, and how each of the projects relate to the communications recommendations.