Rock Creek Conservancy Stream Team Leader Training
October 27, 2020 @ 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Stream Team Leader Training
Part 2 – Tuesday, October 27 from 5pm to 6:30pm
(Part 1 was Thursday, October 22 from 5pm to 6:30pm)
Adopt your favorite section of Rock Creek and become a champion of the watershed in your community. Stream Team Leaders receive training and supplies to lead three cleanups per year, reach out to community members to encourage good environmental stewardship, and join a community of people passionate about protecting the Rock Creek watershed and its parklands.
Please join Rock Creek Conservancy for our virtual Stream Team Leader Training. This training will prepare volunteers to become Stream Team Leaders and provide tools to help individuals steward the Rock Creek watershed.
** This online training is a TWO PART training – please plan to attend both training sessions! You will only be certified as a Stream Team Leader if you attend BOTH trainings in full. **