If you know of any events of interest please reach out to calendar@onemontgomerygreen.org
Take a good rest everyone, because our work begins again now! To secure a more stable climate and equitable communities, it will take a mass movement uniting to fight for climate, racial and economic justice for all.
Join us on Thursday at 3:00 pm PST / 6:00 pm EST for the third in our series of Sierra Club mass calls, where we’ll be talking about the path towards historic climate action under a Biden-Harris administration, drilling down into the specifics of our plan to get there (hint: it involves you!), and sharing next steps for how each of us can be part of creating the change we need.
RSVP now and we’ll send you the link.
You should be able to view a Facebook Livestream without having a Facebook account. When Facebook prompts you to create an account, click the “Not Now” option under the “Create a New Account” button.
For more information: https://www.mobilize.us/sierraclubbattleground/event/362731/