If you know of any events of interest please reach out to calendar@onemontgomerygreen.org
Utilities use the STRIDE law to continually replace methane (natural) gas pipes. However, this covers all pipes, is not focused on safety issues, and we pay for this through our utility bills. Perfectly safe pipes are being replaced, increasing our rates, and ultimately costing us tens of billions of dollars over the next several decades. This is despite the gas company acknowledging that gas use may decline by up to 80% due to electrification. Let’s work together to reign in the utilities!
The new STRIDE bill, submitted to the Maryland legislature, limits utilities to replacement projects that address aging pipes most at risk for failure. It will reduce customer rates by requiring them to use less costly alternatives than replacement where appropriate. And it aligns long-term gas infrastructure plans with the State climate policy to have net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2040.
The Maryland Office of People’s Counsel has been working, on our behalf, to turn this bill into law this year. David Lapp, head of the OPC, will be joining us to explain the details of STRIDE and how this bill will save us money and reduce the climate impact of our methane gas infrastructure. We will then work together to write emails to our legislature. Let’s tell them how important this bill is to their constituents! Join us to make sure our voices are heard.
For questions, contact us at: montgomerycountyTCM@gmail.com
Please share this email with anyone who might be interested!