If you know of any events of interest please reach out to calendar@onemontgomerygreen.org
Takoma Park Mobilization Climate Action Coffee Forum focuses on the Agricultural ReserveTHE EXTRAORDINARY CLIMATE RESILIENCE CAPACITY OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY
Wednesday, July 22, 8:00 am
Visionary two-time Montgomery Planning Board Chairman Royce Hanson and author of Suburb: Planning Politics and the Public Interest, will discuss the thinking and process that shaped our County and its extraordinary protected places. We will be joined by Caroline Taylor, Executive Director of the Montgomery Countryside Alliance, the advocacy group for the Agricultural Reserve; Diane Cameron, lead activist in the continuing campaign to protect Ten Mile Creek and Director of the TAME Coalition (Transit Alternatives to Mid-County Highway Extended), and Dr. David Blockstein, one of the nation’s leading experts in biodiversity.
More information at climate-action-coffee@googlegroups.com
Register in advance: