If you know of any events of interest please reach out to calendar@onemontgomerygreen.org
TCM-MoCo monthly meeting
Thurs. Nov. 18 , 7:30-9:00pm
Learn what leading experts are recommending Montgomery County do to better protect us from the increasingly severe impacts from the accelerating climate crisis. We will have time to give input and ask questions.
🔶Philip Bogdonoff and Karen Metchis, members of the County Adaptation & Sequestration Work Group, and TCM’s Herb Simmens will present recommendations related to adaptation & sequestration, stormwater management and the proposed Cool Montgomery campaign that the Montgomery County CAP Coalition recently presented to the Council.
🔶 Learn from Cecilia Plante, the leader of the Maryland Legislative Climate Coalition Justice Wing what the key climate related legislative opportunities are in the upcoming Maryland legislative sessions.
See you on November 18!
Here is the zoom link to the meeting
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