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The Climate Mobilization Invites You
Wednesday, January 17, 2024 7:30pm EDT
Please join our Webinar
MEETING LINK: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84138942514
Join with us to learn more and how you can help
You can make a difference at our TCM meeting. We will be writing emails to our Maryland legislators to support the EmPower Reform Bill, focusing Utilities on reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHGes) by promoting electrification and moving away from methane gas (i.e., ‘natural’ gas). The Bill is being considered this legislative session and our action tells legislators their constituents support it. We will provide a guide for those with limited experience in contacting legislators.
In Montgomery County alone, nearly 50% of our GHGes come from buildings and homes. Conversion to electricity for heating and other uses is critical. Currently, state regulations support Utility expansion of methane gas and limit Utility support for conversion to electric. This bill changes regulations so Utilities focus on providing electrification incentives and reducing GHGes.
Joining us will be experts on the Bill who will walk us through its details. Following their presentation, we will help you write detailed and specific emails to our legislators. The most effective way to influence legislators’ actions is by direct communication. We will work together to make sure they know we what is important for our community and our world.
For questions, contact us at: montgomerycountyTCM@gmail.com
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84138942514
Time: Jan 17, 2024 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 841 3894 2514
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