If you know of any events of interest please reach out to calendar@onemontgomerygreen.org
Urban Adventure Squad (Online) Community Film Screening and Panel Discussion: “The Story of Plastic.”
Friday, July 17 • 10 am
DC-based nonprofit Urban Adventure Squad (UAS, www.urbanadventuresquad.org) is hosting a community film screening and online panel discussion on the documentary, “The Story of Plastic.” This event is the centerpiece of their watershed week, “Protecting the Anacostia: Watershed Stewards Program,” and you’re invited to watch a powerful film and a student-driven, student-moderated event with environmental experts–including OMG’s own Wendy Howard—on July 17 at 10 am. (Registered participants will receive an advance link to the film to watch before the panel discussion.)
Please join UAS for this unique, exciting community learning experience by registering at this link: https://forms.gle/cLoWQYrYvYkRzZji8
COST: This event is free; donations of any amount to Urban Adventure Squad are welcome but not required. Make a donation to UAS
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Wednesday, July 15, 2020 (This gives registered participants sufficient time to watch the film before the panel discussion.)
Register at https://forms.gle/cLoWQYrYvYkRzZji8