If you know of any events of interest please reach out to calendar@onemontgomerygreen.org
The calendar year 2023 benchmarking season as begun. Energy benchmarking reports are due to DEP by Monday, June 3, 2024. This year, energy benchmarking is required of all commercial and multifamily buildings 25,000 gross square feet and larger. DEP is beginning outreach to covered buildings and the buildings inventory provides a list of all covered buildings.
DEP is hosting two webinars to prepare you for benchmarking this year:
Read on for two important updates for benchmarking and reporting this year:
DEP has created a new Montgomery County Energy Benchmarking Reporting Portal to provide benchmarking resources and status updates in one place. Within the Portal, users can:
As such, the process for submitting your calendar year 2023 benchmarking report to DEP has changed. Reporters must follow the updated instructions to submit data.
To report your benchmarking data to DEP once you have entered all required information into ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager, reporters must connect with MontgomergyDEP and share your building(s) via ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager. Reports can then be submitted via the new Montgomery County Building Energy Benchmarking Reporting Portal.